Saturday, November 8, 2008

Data analysis And Presentation

This assignment on data analysis and presentation has the main aim of processing and analyzing the raw-data collected during participatory assessment conducted in Ngaramtoni village; Kimunyak Ward, Arusha Region, between October 2007 and April 2008. This includes community assessment, economic assessment, environmental assessment and health assessment; the analysis of the raw data will includes:-
Data processing:- i.e (i) Checking and Editing data (ii) Coding of data.
Data Distribution:- i.e (i) Frequency distribution (ii) Percentage distribution.
(iii) Cumulative distribution
Tabulation:- i.e (i) Data are put together in tables form it amount to just counting the number of cases falling into each of several variables.
Data analysis and interpretation:- In most cases, it is difficult to explain raw data.
Diagrammatic representation:- i.e (i) Graphs, (ii) Histograms, (iii) pie charts etc.
presentation of data or Research findings:-
The research findings will serve as a basis for the Ngaramtoni community i.e ordinary citizens, village government leaders, NGOs, CBOs business community and many other interested’ stakeholders residing inside and outside Ngaramtoni village, understood key social economic and political problems, which press for immediate attention and efforts to solve them..

Data processing:- This mainly involves various manipulations necessary for preparing the data analysis. It involves editing, categorizing the open ended questions, coding, computerizing ,preparation of tables and diagrams.

(i) Editing Data:- When the survey is conducted and data obtained through questionnaires and schedules, the answers, either may not be ticked at proper places, or some questions may be left unanswered, or given in a form which need re-construction and administered afresh, and ignoring or re-administering those which are not answered or wrongly ticked.
(ii) Coding Data:_ Coding is translating answers into numerical values or assigning numbers to the various categories of variable to be used in data analysis. Coding is generally done while preparing questions and before finalizing the questionnaires and interview schedules. However, sometimes, when questions are not pre-coded coding is done after the field work. This can be done using code book or code sheet or computer card. It is important to assign codes to questionnaires before going to the field; this save time and money.
(iii) Data distribution:- Distribution of data is important in the presentation of data. There are three types of distributions (a) Frequency distribution, (b) Percentage distribution and (c) Cumulative distribution. In social science research, frequency distribution is commonly used.
(iv) Tabulation of Data:- After editing, which ensures that the information on the schedule is the data are put together in tables and may also undergo some other forms of statistical analysis. It amounts to simply counting the number of cases falling into different categories.
(v) Data analysis and Interpretation:- Analysis is the process of putting data in order into constituent parts of the sake of obtaining answers to research questions. Interpretation takes the results of analysis, makes inferences and draws conclusions about the relationship. In other words to interprete is to explain about outcome of the analysis.
NB: The analysis of a research is done in four stages:- (a) Categorization, (b) Frequency Distribution, (c) Measurement and ( d)Interpretation.
Þ Categorization:- Categories are set-up according to the research problem and purpose of study. These are mutually problem and purpose of study. These are mutually exclusive, independent and exhaustive.
Þ Frequency distribution:- Frequency distribution is the tabulation of quantitative data in classes. It indicates the number of cases or distribution of cases falling into different categories. There are two types of frequency distribution i.e primary and secondary.
* Primary:- Primary distribution is descriptive only it gives the number of cases in each class.
Only it gives the number of cases in each class.
* Secondary:- Secondary distribution is the comparison with relations e.g comparing the
frequency of men with women, or educated with illiterate.

Þ Measurement:- Measurement could be in a form central tendencies i.e mean, mode and median or statistical averages.
* Mean:- Is the arithmetic average of a set of measures.
* Median:- Is the central measure of any set of measures.
* Mode:- Is the most frequently according measure of a set of measures.
NB:- The statistical analysis sometimes may be of univariate type (Examining one variable at a time); sometimes of bivariate type (Assessing two variables at time) ; or multivariate (assessing more than two variables at a time).
Interpretation:- Interpretation of data can be descriptive, analytical from a theoretical point of view.
NB:- Interpretation leads to the following questions:-
What has the research contributed?
What is the significance of the research?
What relationship exists of the variables?
Thus Interpretation consists of the conclusion the researcher has reached.

vi. Diagrammatic Representation:- This representing / providing results using graphs, histograms,
pie charts, pyramid, Bar-diagram etc one can visualize results by examining the

The tools/techniques applied in the collection of data during participatory assessment in Ngaramtoni village are as follows:-
i. Focus group
ii. Interviewing and
iii. Transect walk
Focus Group Discussion:-
Is one of the qualitative methods used in data collection. Its purpose is to obtain in depth information on concepts, perceptions and ideas of a group. A group facilitator has a role of keeping the discussion on track by asking a series of open ended questions to stimulate discussion. A focus group is usually structured and homogeneous and composed of six to nine people and the interview could last from one hour to two hours. It is used to obtain detailed information about a particular issue.

Interviewing Technique:-
It is the direct technique of data collection used in social science research. This technique has been used to collect data because has the following advantages:-
Possible to study events that are not open to observations.
Possible to study abstract factors like attitudes back emotions, reaction etc.
Possible to study phenomena in its historical back ground.
The information gathered are much more reliable.
Transect walk:-
This is an exercise in which the researcher (facilitator) together with some of the community members, make a general tour of the area understudy; it allows the team to reflect or study the current situation and through dialogue they identify constraints and opportunities. Due to the fact that the project area in question has diverse constrains and opportunities, the transect walk technique in collection of some specific data was found relevant.

Raw-data were examined to detect errors, omissions, contradictions and unreasonable information to be corrected. From the ended questions, the data has been analyzed by classifying the raw data into purposeful and usable categories such as types of occupation, education level, volunteerism levels, poverty levels, income levels age of respondent, gender of respondents etc. After doing all the above; statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) software was used to describe status of various variables. Finally tabulation was based on percentages, proportions totals . The analysis was largely univariate providing distributions of individual variables, though Bivariate and multivariate analysis is sometimes done, to compare relationship between two or more variables. The analysis includes computation of frequencies, totals and percentages. For qualitative research, which is largely descriptive, computation of frequencies, totals (sums), and percentage is adequate for meaningful interpretations.

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